Opinion for "Clear Mod"

Let me state right away that this is NOT a mod for game menus, fonts, styles, ect.

The basic idea behind this mod is to help the so called "competitive" players throughout CrossFire. First off the mod enables you to replace the original "kill marks" with pure blanks. This means that any icons that show up mid-game will not be seen and will offer no distraction.

Second, the mod will "mute" the unnecessary sounds that happen mid-game. This includes the sounds of when your throwing grenades, flashes, smokes, multi-kills, bomb drops, ect. This will offer as less of a distraction and give you a chance to hear more during crucial moments in matches.

Along with helping your competitive play, this mod is also good for the media makers throughout CrossFire. the mod removes the extra sounds and icons so that kills come out cleaner in the end result and there is less sound that you need to clean up.

This mod has been done many times before, its extremely simple to make yourself and many people I have talked to have done this already. Only reason I am going to release my own is so that people will always have a download available to get the mod quickly instead of wasting time to make their own. (Video will be made also.)

This mod will be allowed on WOGL and will not interfere with ScrimSpot and not give you any issues when playing matches. It will help you much more then it will hurt.

First part said, I need some input concerning the sound files for the mod. As seen below, there are certain radio commands in-game that may in fact help during matches. I wanted to see community input as to whether or not I should be muting radio messages.

Z Commands:

X Commands:

C Commands:

I would rather have the radio messages left, sometimes they come in more useful during scrims then talking on Ventrilo, ect. Though I still want to get some opinions.
