can sum 1 tell me y i keep geting kicked from games

hi i play cros fier a lot and i am reley good and people keep caling me hacker and then i end up geting kicked from the rounds and i think this may be do to the name i use in game. the name is i have takin this name in game to make peol think i am a hack because i find peopl play bad if thay think you hack its called stratagey but still i find this to be varey anoying because i get kicked from almost all games because of this people cant seem to under stand that i am a pro at cros fier and i am varey presise with my shots and i also use a head set as well and because of how good i am should i have to suffer because the other players and my own teem cant keep up to me or kil me??

well can u tel me whut i am sopose to do here? am i sopose to just sit back and take this ? Am i sopose to suffer and be kicked and hut ever elce just because i am a good at whut i do ?
