CrossFire Red Earth Event. Ha!

Red Earth Event

"Help celebrate Earth day worldwide and reduce your carbon footprint this year by staying in, booting up your PC, and rank up faster by shooting your friends all weekend long in Cross Fire with +20% EXP on all servers." (z8games)

Did you know...

"A personal computer can generate 225 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions every year, the equivalent of two round trip Sydney-Canberra flights" (CIO)

"Rival analyst IDC claims that IT does as much damage to the environment as the airline industry, while the Australian Computer Society says 7.94 million tonnes of Australia's 522.2 million tones of carbon dioxide emissions each year come from the IT industry." (CIO)

"An average web surf produces 20mg of carbon dioxide per second. To put that in to context, that’s twice the amount we emit from breathing." (The Dirty)
[Imagine how much is being emitted from playing a video game then...]

"Analyst Gartner has estimated that about 0.75 per cent of all global carbon dioxide emissions come from computer equipment." (CIO)

"The average desktop PC wastes nearly half the energy it consumes as heat, which translates to higher electric bills and increased greenhouse gas emissions." (Sustainability)

"Turning off computers when not in use can reduce their carbon footprint by 50 percent." (Significance)

Little contradictory, don't you think Z8games?
