Trade [B]Guns for cash?

How about we trade borrowed guns in for cash like not 10k not 20k no like 1k 2k cash. People dont even use them. We just break'em for money. Why not just trade them for money(GP)? 2-5days (200-500) 6-12 (700-1.2k) 13-17days (1.5-2k) +18days (2.2k-4k) thats maxing out at 30-35day gun... thats for regular SMGs, Rifles, Snipers.... PISTOLS: For pistols 2-5days (100-300) 6-12(500-900) 13-17days (1.1k-1.6k) +18days( 1.7k-2.5k) People just end up breaking the gun or damaging it majorly :/ sorry its messy but heres another chart basically
Rifles,Smg,Sniper chart (DAYS)
+18days(2.2k-4k) Maxing out at +30days
+18(1.7k-2.5k) Maxing out +30days
People will stop going "ohh dumb borrowing guns" when you can trade them for GP the GMS can raise the price or idk how much more you can drop it. This is just an estimate. DO NOT POST ANY BAD COMMENTS LIKE THIS IS A BAD IDEA. This is not a bad idea. People "CANNOT" abuse. How can you abuse it? You can't. The gun ALSO MUST BE FULLY REPAIRED. IT CANNOT BE ALMOST BROKEN AND TRADED IN. You lose some money because breaking it is 20x slower but more GP this Sell of the guns real quick and keep playing. No you cannot resell the gun and keep buying crates to buy a crate you must get a gun +18days and resell it. No crate will give you an +18 day BORROWING gun. Post what you think!
