Z8 is soooooooo lazyyyy



  • Jester has spoken.
    I was thinking the same thing.
  • Shad0wK1LL wrote: »
    LOL! but, the M16 is suppose to be really good in real life, its terrible in CF, well, unless u kno how to use it, bt its nowhere compared to the real life one

    It's very basic, but decently powerful IRL. Not extremely reliable though :\
    The real one sucks. Gets jammed and gets our soldiers killed. AK-47 all the way

    They're even worse IRL xD They just have a reputation built up from the power behind them.
    That's why mostly rebel forces use them, decently cheap but break/jam up alot sooner or later. The power is both it's friend, and foe.
  • ...

    well heres the gear build i want, with one of the weapons relying on luck with bm

    1. M16S-Camo
    2. 2 Desert Eagles (Duh)
    3. AWM (Another Duh)
    4. 2 frags, smokes, and flashes
    5. The thing that allows you to hold more than one grenade
    6. (For SAS) That +exp gas mask
    7. Staff Sergent Helmet
    8. Staff Sergent Backpack
    9. 90-day Dread

    Now doesnt that cost alot? :D
  • JoshTorres wrote: »
    It's very basic, but decently powerful IRL. Not extremely reliable though :\

    They're even worse IRL xD They just have a reputation built up from the power behind them.
    That's why mostly rebel forces use them, decently cheap but break/jam up alot sooner or later. The power is both it's friend, and foe.

    What are you talking about? The AK47 is the most reliable gun in the world.
  • What are you talking about? The AK47 is the most reliable gun in the world.

    I will just lol and presume you're joking :)

    Some AK-47s have been known to explode in peoples hands, even newish ones.

    Okay I take into account that if you look after it well, it can be extremely reliable, but if you neglect it, it's gonna bite you in the ass.
  • JoshTorres wrote: »
    I will just lol and presume you're joking :)

    Some AK-47s have been known to explode in peoples hands, even newish ones.

    You have to be phucking kidding me.
  • You have to be phucking kidding me.

    Look at my re-edit :P

    I was talking about rebel forces AKs, but realised you may have been talking about Soviets, Chinese.
  • I think that you have a point there but, i say you should get exp and gp per kill instead of per match; gp and exp depending on the victims rank.
    also z8 games make guns way better than others to make you buy zp its just another way to suck money out of you thats all i think all is good apart from the gp and exp issues which would be resolved by this message; there would also need to be an exp bar along the bottom which showed how far you are to rank up every time you get a kill.

  • also i use "premium" stuff i have
    3 degals
    m4a1 custom
    scar light
    nades, flashes, smokes in each bag
    2 shovels 1 axe
    thats just my main stuff ^^
  • Niallzore wrote: »
    also i use "premium" stuff i have
    3 degals
    m4a1 custom
    scar light

    nades, flashes, smokes in each bag
    2 shovels 1 axe
    thats just my main stuff ^^

  • Niallzore wrote: »
    also i use "premium" stuff i have
    3 degals
    m4a1 custom
    scar light
    nades, flashes, smokes in each bag
    2 shovels 1 axe
    thats just my main stuff ^^

    M4a1-Custom is the only thing I liked out of those :P

    My main bags are:

    Heart Nade, Flash, Smoke


    M4a1-Adv. Silver/M60/AWM
  • Every gun is as reliable as the next Josh. For F**KS sake man. For being as smart as you are your only using part of your knowledge.
    Just like the AK-47 the M4A1 it virtually its counterpart. If you abuse it it too will bite you in the ass eventually.
  • hackbuster wrote: »
    why should they do that? give me a reason

    z8games is a for-profit-company, $ is the top priority, if you can use a GP gun and still AS GOOD AS $ paid ZP guns, do you think it is fair to those who paid real $?

    Where have you been these days? mars? Welcome to the EARTH!

    This place is called 'z8games', the name is not spelling as: 'church'

    your right its not the same spelling as church. infact z8games is evil if anything. log in go to a room and try to say the name of our lord and saviour. your not aloud because these z8games ppl are evil. they hate jesus and forbid his name. i wonder how that will work out for them in the afterlife. oh wait theres a logical explanation as to why we cant say the name of jesus christ ingame. so z8 what is this logical explanation? ive seen multiple threads where ppl are accuratly comparing z8games to the "hitlers germany". valid points being made then wham thread closed .... lets see if we make a thread about satan and how long its left open for. whats that tell you? nothing caus eyour ignorant, good day mate
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    Every gun is as reliable as the next Josh. For F**KS sake man. For being as smart as you are your only using part of your knowledge.
    Just like the AK-47 the M4A1 it virtually its counterpart. If you abuse it it too will bite you in the ass eventually.

    Sarcasm detectors ON :D

    Yeah for sure, any gun that isn't looked after will eventually bust up, for e.g. my uncle's Dragunov jams up like hell now, even though I pleaded with him to maintain it (I live in England and he's in USA, so I only get to fire it once in a blue moon when I go there).

    I know I'm being dumb today lol, perhaps a lack of sleep, but I thought the other guy was talking about rebel forces abilities to look after guns, and their stock and variety, those are the people who don't bother to maintain their arsenal, thus resulting in broken and unreliable weapons :\
  • JoshTorres wrote: »
    Sarcasm detectors ON :D

    Yeah for sure, any gun that isn't looked after will eventually bust up, for e.g. my uncle's Dragunov jams up like hell now, even though I pleaded with him to maintain it (I live in England and he's in USA, so I only get to fire it once in a blue moon when I go there).

    I know I'm being dumb today lol, perhaps a lack of sleep, but I thought the other guy was talking about rebel forces abilities to look after guns, and their stock and variety, those are the people who don't bother to maintain their arsenal, thus resulting in broken and unreliable weapons :\

    Yea, I knew you were talkin about rebel forces. I read the pages first. (Whatya know, someone actually reads before posting!)
    But depending on what type of rebel it is the gun could be totally reliable or completely not trusted. Its all on the controler/owner of the weapon at hand. Not the gun itself.
  • s0b3r wrote: »
    Yea, I knew you were talkin about rebel forces. I read the pages first. (Whatya know, someone actually reads before posting!)
    But depending on what type of rebel it is the gun could be totally reliable or completely not trusted. Its all on the controler/owner of the weapon at hand. Not the gun itself.

    I tend to think of Western/Northern African rebel forces, Ethiopian and Kenyan for example. It's not that they don't have the know how to maintain, more the lack of supplies to do so.
  • JoshTorres wrote: »
    I tend to think of Western/Northern African rebel forces, Ethiopian and Kenyan for example. It's not that they don't have the know how to maintain, more the lack of supplies to do so.

    I think it would be the lack of initiative to do it. It wouldn't/shouldn't take very long to clean it up.
  • JoshTorres wrote: »
    Look at my re-edit :P

    I was talking about rebel forces AKs, but realised you may have been talking about Soviets, Chinese.

    Yeah, those commies really know how to make them. Also, any gun is going to malfunction in bad repair, but some are worse then others.