A Good GP Plan

So im making a gp plan consisting of these few things. the gms might disagree but many will find this at least interesting

1. Raise the gp rates to x 10

Many people have been wanting more gp. lets use this perspective.
GRcapeman wrote: »
i see where this is going

(gp normally earned x 10)

heres a good example why:

say you wanted two bags and deck you a set with an m4, two deagles, and a dragunov. The m4 costs 43k, deagle costs 35k each, and dragunov costs 55k (dont ask me how i know this). All this equals a whopping 168k, not including repairs, which can be as large as 10k. now a tdm game is usually 8 min long, and a 1.0 kdr would get you 100 gp, so ull have to play hours straight. If you damage your weapon about 200 gold per game, then ull end up being poor forever, ur performance is s** cuz ur wep is s***

basically saying, raise gp rates x10

I posted this in another tread and I already like where this is going. read as much as you like.

2. Higher rank gets better privalages

I know many wont agree with me here, but it should be the generals and crap who get the most gp. Why? well the higher ranks would usually burn out their weps faster cuz they just play more and better, plus they need the Xtra money for BM and stuff.

Heres the suggested rank advancement bonus:

1. Private= 10k
2. Corporal= 20k
3. Sergant= 30k
4. So on and so forth...

3. The Table

Id like to show you my table of gp gains (assume a 1.0 KDR) WHICH NEEDS TO BE x 10 ON THE GP GAINS!

GP Gained/Repairs

1. S&D: +200/-250
2. TDM: +100/-200
3. EM (assuming playing on Columbia): +150/-220
4. GM: Variable
5. FFA: +175/-240
6. MM: +35/0

4. Wrapping it up

In retrospect, my GP plan might be the best anyone has done. Its a good balance and although it can be a little too much, its better than having this:
GRcapeman wrote: »
say you wanted two bags and deck you a set with an m4, two deagles, and a dragunov. The m4 costs 43k, deagle costs 35k each, and dragunov costs 55k (dont ask me how i know this). All this equals a whopping 168k, not including repairs, which can be as large as 10k. now a tdm game is usually 8 min long, and a 1.0 kdr would get you 100 gp, so ull have to play hours straight. If you damage your weapon about 200 gold per game, then ull end up being poor forever, ur performance is s** cuz ur wep is s***

does anyone disagree with this?
