Perplexity- Looking

Sup hows it going

Im currently looking for a new clan as shown by the title

i was going to wait until after the tourney (gm), but i decided to get a head start just in case my plans dont go through

my profile:

Looking for a GM clan or an SD clan

GM K/d is a 3.0 pretty much, i use an awm-gold deagle combo most of the time

SD i use awm, m4, ak, g36k, and some others, but those are my main

I dont like scar lights or think on that first

Previous Clans: Glitch (in the pro days), unReal, Undead Elite, Paradox, DOA are major ones that i can remember

Previous Names: Roboturner, Ghost-Eagle, Cycosis, Obfuscate (for those who might not know my current name)
