heres an idea...

How about z8 stops worrying less about crap like rival factions and Mutation Mode and new weapons and maps and start worrying about stuff we actually NEED fixed. Ex: The clan chat is STILL down(been down for like 2 months) the clan web site is down(we can't add new members), fixing the registry. I dont know im just spit balling here, but for whatever reason that stuff seems like it would be more important than adding new stuff, but we all know z8's policy 'do whatever makes the most money'


  • I agree.
    But I want Dual-Uzi soooo bad xD
  • lol i want the tar really bad also but i mean i'd rather be able to accept members into our clan and talk in clan chat than worry about weapons, my clan is the only reason im still in the game
  • How about z8 stops worrying less about crap like rival factions and Mutation Mode and new weapons and maps and start worrying about stuff we actually NEED fixed. Ex: The clan chat is STILL down(been down for like 2 months) the clan web site is down(we can't add new members), fixing the registry. I dont know im just spit balling here, but for whatever reason that stuff seems like it would be more important than adding new stuff, but we all know z8's policy 'do whatever makes the most money'

    You don't seem to have a grasp of how things work. Smilegate is the company that is responsible for new maps, modes and weapons. It's their game and they expect it to turn a profit. If it doesn't then the license for North America could be revoked. As far as the game issues go, do you really think that they are simply ignoring the problems and hoping that they go away? If a fix were available it would be done already.

    On a final note: "...we all know z8's policy 'do whatever makes the most money"

    This is a video game company and not a charity. While it's great that people can play the game for free, without income the game ceases to exist.
  • lol i want the tar really bad also but i mean i'd rather be able to accept members into our clan and talk in clan chat than worry about weapons, my clan is the only reason im still in the game
    yeah id like to be able to play :/ ive been getting an xtrap error since this morning.
  • I've been getting an XTrap error for about five days now. I wish they would really fix that.
  • sheesh that suks ull get bored in a day xDDD. btw we gettin 2 MAPS lab 2 and mutation map that i dont kno wat its called...
  • You don't seem to have a grasp of how things work. Smilegate is the company that is responsible for new maps, modes and weapons. It's their game and they expect it to turn a profit. If it doesn't then the license for North America could be revoked. As far as the game issues go, do you really think that they are simply ignoring the problems and hoping that they go away? If a fix were available it would be done already.

    On a final note: "...we all know z8's policy 'do whatever makes the most money"

    This is a video game company and not a charity. While it's great that people can play the game for free, without income the game ceases to exist.

    And what does NeoWiz do? Help with the coding?
  • i think i have a better grasp than u believe mr mod...and turning a profit to keep the country from losing their license great stuff....but to b honest the only reason i still play this game is b/c of my clan aside from that it fails i dont really care all that much what you do w/ the game, i play crossfire b/c of the community not b/c of the great graphics or gaming system. after a certain point in the game most players get bored, what keeps us coming back is the clan and community we've made here, if the community fails u lose players thus losing money and the country loses their license that way. Give the game back to suba, it was better when it was in their hands. just one last thing, i mean how hard was it really to fix the clan chat issue, it should have taken a day at the most, or the website? i mean come on! theres a point when u realize hey z8's not doin anything to fix the problem. im just saying.........something to think about