4 First LT LFC

Me and 3 mayb 4 others are looking for a good scrim clan
Dont like big clans we prefer under 25 or 30 Max. but its negotiable

blaZE__ http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4387858

*[D]ee_ http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4030907

75 http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4192139

[F]oolie http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5029794

we all can snipe and rifle i would say 75 is the best sniper out of all of us
we work to gather real well,hold sites,clutch and call/listen to stratz

Xfire- g0d13
