
This is a rant about the failure to use clan applications. Really, how hard is it to look and see if there is a clan application? I am more than sure that this is standard procedure followed by any clan with an application, at least any clan worth being in. Learning from the failure of others is... for the win? So grab your pencil and take some notes. Also, I included my personal response to each of the applicants (in bold).

Green = Good and will be considered
Orange = Not my problem
Red = Auto-denied for being ub3rfail

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 7826
Total Kills: 64196
Last Play Date: 2010-04-01
KDR: 2.8 AGE: 18 COUNTRY: uk(120 ping) VENTRILO/MIC: got vent, my mic just broke.=/ Have you ever hacked: no-and dont plan to. How many hours do you play each day: Previous clans: pubstarz

Farm much? At least you used the application.

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 5370
Total Kills: 11838
Last Play Date: 2010-03-31
Hey guys, z8 finally decided to get off there asses so heres my applicaton. Invited by DoZa as we 1v1 and i went down 20-19 and was listening in with the strats yesterday. Thanks guys

You're not in the clan so wtf are you thanking me for? I don't care who invited you, if they really thought you were any good, your application wouldn't be sitting here hours later for me to read. Also, how does z8 have anything to do with this and where the heck is your application? Wow, someone else can deal with you.

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 2424
Total Kills: 11628
Last Play Date: 2010-04-01
HI, i am applying 4 blood bcoz it is a awesome clan and i would like to be apart of blood bcoz i have heard some good things about this clan. thanks -[uD]*HitMan

LoL, yet again, someone counts their chickens before they've hatched. You're not in BLooD yet, and you probably will never get in BLooD. You must be the bestest player ever with your failure to use correct grammar, much less in an application to a clan that has a lieutenant that would take offense at such actions, or misactions. Look, already my comment is longer than your application, and you've got me talking in the third person!

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 2446
Total Kills: 27832
Last Play Date: 2010-04-01
kdr: 28628/ 26047 age: 16 country : usa vent/mic: yes yes hacked? : no, dont know how hahaha hours: ummm at the very least 2 or 3 prev clans: meta, allrebelklan player that told me to apply : Five5tarz (i think how its spelled)

Meta fails, I wouldn't have listed it. Hopefully your KDR is an extreme understatement of your capabilities.

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 1927
Total Kills: 28408
Last Play Date: 2010-04-01
KDR: AGE: COUNTRY:USA VENTRILO/MIC:Yes/Yes Have you ever hacked:No How many hours do you play each day: 1-2 depends really. Previous clans:Meta

A nice clean application, congratulations, oh wait, doorstop from meta. lulz

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 4667
Total Kills: 87351
Last Play Date: 2010-04-02
Sup Sexyies

Pedo-alert. Ban. Deny. Close thread. Terminate application. No-go, No va.!@#

Name Not Shown
Total Matches Played: 2492
Total Kills: 31429
Last Play Date: 2010-04-01
KDR:2.0 AGE:15 about 16 COUNTRY:USA VENTRILO/MIC:Both Have you ever hacked:Yes How many hours do you play each day:weekdays 2-5 Previous clans:Deceive

So close and yet so far. You filled out the application perfectly. This would be a green application, but apparently the loser has hacked before, denied imo. Yippie-kai-ay-MF. I like all of the nuberts that apply to my clan believing that we hack, and then they get angry that we deny them...
