Kick for being Too good?

Ok i know plenty of you have been kicking for going 20-0 or something like this picture <-- if you cannot see picture...
Heres the real Picture V
ok now you lose lots of Exp and time because your playing too good... Problem is you get really angry for playing to good especially high ranked players like Captains and stuff... Z8games my suggestion would be to ban "IP address" yes i just said that.. "block hidden IP Address" If you can do that so the person will need a new one or create some how a new one... and also after a certain ranked you can no longer be "kicked" but you can still be "reported" like lets say after master sergant or something like that you can't be kicked... just example... but after game save replay and report them... still catch them but i dont think someone would risk working on an account for 4months just to hack and get it banned... Z8games needs to do some work on CROSSFIRE. Is there a flaw in this plan? Possibly... "hackers will go up to master sergant without hacking then start hacking at that level" "Yet again they can be reported..." "What if no one reports!!" hahaha

The big answer here for that one "ALL BIG SCORES GO TO A PERSON(in z8games) LOOKS OVER THEM NOW IF THEY SEE MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE SAME HOUR THERE GOING SOMETHING LIKE(+25-0) THAT THEY ENTER A GAME WITH THEM AND SEE IT FOR THEM SELF" and another person watches all everybody who goes multi kill over 5... if they keep going multi kill over 5 in the same minute or couple of minutes yes there aimboting... There done problem solved.

Also people kick you for no reason? they should tell you the reason after you've been kicked and the report goes to z8games if they see its fake who ever kicked it gets a black mark on there profile... No more abuse kicking just because...
