hmmm joined paradox to chill and for the editing privileges but seems like people are leaving aka dren

so what's up is i have pretty much 2 weeks before i depart to BS EU. not going to be too active; maybe 0-2 hours per day at most. looking for a clan that is competitive but will not hate to have an outsider scrim with them. i can take scrims seriously or if i feel the need to i can knife/m700.
i xm8/awm most of the time and can play any position on any map fairly well
let the spam begin

this is not official btw but i can possibly be looking so if you want me hit me up on here

PS: i am more or less likely to start flaming bad clans that will respond :)

also not interested in joining a newly made clan. looking for an established one so that i can just get on and scrim in peace
