
I feel as though the Combat Axe and Shovel should be nerfed so they're not so overpowered (ghost-mode, knife games, sniper games). Or, at least code them better so the weapon themselves don't lag. I hear other people's shovel/axe 2 seconds before I actually get hit. The range is also ridiculous and the chance for a 1-hit K.O. are extremely high.
I also think that SCAR-Light should be nerfed a bit to have less damage. If it's a "Light" weapon, as opposed to a "Heavy" weapon, it should be more maneuverable and less recoil/spread, but should not be nearly the same damage.
Also, Smoke Grenades (and smokey effects on a map) should not reveal ghosts when they should be invisible. Just my opinion, because it seems extremely stupid that you get revealed like that.

Discuss with nerf-related things.
