
Ud like to know what this usually ment...
(GER: Aber das ist übertrieben)
sry i dont speak other languages :)

But now to my Topic:
Too much is censored, what cares me is that [SPACE] doesnt count as interrupt, so But that gets censored.

Just write Hakker or haker, ha.cker EVERYBODY knows that this isnt censored so its SO easy to say those words that a censor is not necessary

If you play CF (or your parents allow you that) youve heard all kind of stuff.
So the palyers are 12+, and if parents would not "allow" their kids to hear/use that kind of words, theyll never let em play CF.

But thats exaggerated, and so on has not to be written twice


Suggestion: (Thanks to legendishef)
A on and off turnable filter (Options/Community)
