a market to lend/change out weapons

well, i got many times people QQ'ing they love my m4a1 custom ( xP )

well, why cant i put it on a market, so i can lend it out for 100gp-1k gp ea hour??? then people pay for a weapon they like, and i earn cash :D

yea, the bad thing is that people will use multies to lend out their m16 or other noob wep...

hmm... well, rules :D

*the weapon lended out can NOT be damaged, so must be fully repaired!

*some weapons like m16 not allowed to lend out.

*you can not gain gp with the weapon you get, must be like in mutation mode, no damage.

*limit of cash, maybe 500 or 1k gp each hour ( or less )

or an exchange market, i got custom, but i want 3 hours a kriss, that sucks =( well, i put my custom at market, i click on the weapon i want, how many hours, and wait until someone does agree :D

nobody can use that bad

rules ( almost same as other )

*no damaged weapons!

*some weapons like m16 not allowed to trade.

*weapon can not be damaged, like in mutation mode so u cant earn gp.

well, any of these 2 ideas could work? :D
