Are good because you have played games you bought? Survey!

1.Hey all, are you pro and are owning n00bs because you have bought and played competitive and noob-unfriendly games like CS ( AWP+Deagle xD), or Team Fortress 2?

2.Or are you the one who once played other games like Warrock, AVA, and Combat Arms, building up your vast skill and knowledge and came into Crossfire looking for a challenge?

3.Or finally, are you that person who knew little of the FPS world and came into Crossfire as your first FPS and learned to play better bit by bit, shedding sweat and tears (figuratively speaking :D) to earn your title of "Pro"?

Pick which one you are and tell us how you came to be known and feared! ( No epic life stories please :D)

I myself am a mix of number 1 and 2. I've played Warrock and TF2 before playing CF.
*Playing sniper on TF2 just makes you epic in CF :D
