The Definitive Guide to Obtaining Pro Skills. I dunno which section.

I don't know if this should be in barracks or guides. Could a MOD close one of them?
Okay, so you just joined CrossFire after playing Runescape for 5 years. You join a game called "Ghost Mode" and you have a badass M16. You walk around for a while, until you see a gray dude running around. You hold down your mouse button, using all your ammo, but he escapes alive. You realize that this is an infinite hp and invisible hack. After searching on google "OMG CROZZFIREZ H@X" and get a virus, you decide to play legit.

You have been using your M16 and keep dieing. Everyone else has hacks so you need a better gun. Until you get to rank Staff Sarg 4, you need to farm with your friends(if you have any) until you can buy the God Gun that all pros use. The SCAR LIGHT! You enter a game and own hard with it 14-40. Also, you must get the smexxy SPOP because only noobs use males. Now that you have the pro SPOP+SL combo, time to get some ZP bullsh-I mean pro items. Armor+Helmet is a must. Along with the GOD ALMIGHTY SHOVEL and the ghost breath down.

How to talk and interact with others.
Someone called you a noob? Kick them. On other team? No problem, just RQ to other team. If someone left the game, tell everyone that it is because you pwned them with your skills. Also before voting, look at the person's kills and deaths. If they are good, kick them. Bad? Leave them so YOU can kill them. AFK? Free kills for the pros. When you are the last person in SnD or GM, and the bomb is ticking DON'T DEFUSE! The boom is cool so always let other team win. Also, if your teamate is defusing, then throw a nade to see if they die. Team Kills mean you are a real pro.

That is all for now, but I will add to this :D Good luck pwning them noobs!
