New Gametypes?

First off, I want to mention that I realize that the developers are busy. And that they will add more game types eventually. But this is why the Suggestions Forum is here.

There is a nice selection of gametypes available. But I have a feeling the community will grow if there is more diversity.

Games like Capture The Flag and Free-For-All Elimination are classic gametypes that aren't that hard to implement. Adding a Control Point gametype would be good fun, and some more objective based games are always great. Sometimes running around mindlessly killing people (and getting killed) can be dull.

Gametypes like Escort, where one team has to guard a vehicle or something while the other team tries to disable it. The next round the teams switch sides.

I could see gametypes like Fireteam in Combat Arms or Quest Mode in Gunz working well in Crossfire. Where the players are working cooperatively against a bunch of AIs.

A hostage style game would be fun, where one team has to find the hostages and escort them out safely while the other team has to try and prevent this from happening and in the next round the teams switch positions.

I found this really cool Source Mod which had a neat idea, I think it could be a great addition to Crossfire. Essentially, its a team deathmatch. Except when you die you respawn in the enemy's prison. You then have to wait for a teammate to free you. Once all of one team is captured they lose.

Another neat gametype I stole from a Source Mod is kind of cool. One player is selected to be the, what I'll call the Ghost. Essentially, this player is partially invisible, becomes more visible while moving, but moves significantly faster then the normal humans. Essentially, his purpose is to kill everyone else. Once you're dead, you're dead. Everyone else has to find and kill the Ghost.

Anyways, these are just a bunch of ideas I stole from multiple games. None of these are demands, so don't think that. Just ideas, because diversity is key to an online game's success.

Whether or not any of these ideas are even regarded doesn't matter to me, I'm just happy that such a great game is available in the first place.


P.S. More maps is also always better.
