Clan Leader Option - Accepting/Denying Members

Dear GMs,

As leader of R.O.C I am in a constant process of having to accept or deny players applying to the clan. Some of these players I have no idea about and wish to trial them, some of them I just do not feel I have space for i.e. the ROC EU team is full at present.

They are however players I may consider in the future and do not want to send them away in a huff, because nobody likes to be rejected.

My first suggestion is therefore

1. An option to allow the LT/Leader to Comment back to the player when accepting/denying their application.

Now, as I am typing here, more ideas are entering my head. So I also suggest the following:

2. A clan system to show which members are "recruits" and being "trialled", which are ordinary members, and which are A-Team Lineups/ Starters whatever you wish to call them.

My justification is it would add a nice professional touch to the clan-page as well as a useful management function to help Leaders and Lts manage the members.

Feedback would be appreciated.
