The Russian players

They are a problem. Ever since CFRU closed down and they started playing here the game has become unplayable. The vast majority are super toxic and racist, with a whole lot of them cheating. Game went from being alright to unplayable over the course of a few weeks. Ranked is no longer playable due to the russian players cheating and being toxic. Is anything going to be done? CFRU died for a reason, and now they are coming here killing this version too. I have not seen this game in such a bad state since early 2012, even in public FFA games there is a CFRU player cheating. I don't mind the people who behave and just play the game but obviously things are not working out. Does anyone have a different experience or do you agree?


  • Egyptions players no better , i did report and i have 175 bans (gm respond in inbox message ). Stop blame Russians. Game no fix anything. All problem are from the game. Go send ticket and tell them fix game. All rooms hit enemies you can see blood but the damage you deal is 0.

  • the level of play of Russian players is an order of magnitude higher than that of the local contingent, from here and the appearance that Russian players are "cheaters". That is, I'm not saying that there are no cheaters among Russian players, BUT the vast majority just play better than you and nothing more
  • there are no russian players in cf west they are either egyptians or hugaros or arabs but as we do not realize we think that they are russians the players that most harm this game are (Arabs) (Egypts) (Hugarus) they are the terror they are the ones we find using hacking in ranked, and spamming servers, and insulting rooms. they are rubbish a real rubbish not all but most are rubbish im not racist i have arab and egyptian friends but they are not toxic they are nice they play fair they help in missions but most of the rubbish players are the ones i sited above It's a shame for their country and for them, but nothing can be done, just regret and report and ban these dogs as much as possible.
  • Egyptions players no better , i did report and i have 175 bans (gm respond in inbox message ). Stop blame Russians. Game no fix anything. All problem are from the game. Go send ticket and tell them fix game. All rooms hit enemies you can see blood but the damage you deal is 0.

    And I like the Egyptians. Played a few zombie mod games with them. Pleasant people to talk to.
    And as for cheaters, there are very few of them. I agree with user slimhero00. We (RUCF) have a lot of skillful guys playing.
  • Egyptions players no better , i did report and i have 175 bans (gm respond in inbox message ). Stop blame Russians. Game no fix anything. All problem are from the game. Go send ticket and tell them fix game. All rooms hit enemies you can see blood but the damage you deal is 0.

    there is a cheater in every country in the world, stop saying egyptian using hack i know some na players cheating on many games and most of them using macro script in there high price gaming mouse, should i said like u na players cheating ? what about the other players
    if u found a cheater just report stop saying egyptian russian african usa, not because u found some one cheater that mean every one in his country cheating too !!!
  • Learn to play.Cheaters in any country but a lot players, 80 percent from Russia very good players wich plays 10-13 years in this game.You funny ,you write about racism,but your post full of racism.Stop cry and learn to play,if you dont like player,report him and stop screaming.
  • Learn to play.Cheaters in any country but a lot players, 80 percent from Russia very good players wich plays 10-13 years in this game.You funny ,you write about racism,but your post full of racism.Stop cry and learn to play,if you dont like player,report him and stop screaming.

    Russians are not a race. You cannot be racist towards Russians.
    Your statistic is hugely made up. I played CF RU on and off in the past 5 years and it was the worst CF version. No "gid gud russia stronk" BS. Aimboters and speedhackers everywhere. Worse than any other CF out of the 4 that I played.
    Egyptians are still the biggest cheating part of West, but simply since about 80% of all players are Egyptians. And if every country had about the same % of cheaters, this one would win by number.
    They are also the only country I know that have internet cafes that advertise and have cheats installed on their PCs for money.
    But the new influx of players also brought a lot of cheaters.
    You can see on update days noone does anything, but a few weeks later you get low ranked accounts being super MLG pros. Suspicious.

    I personally see it as an issue that Russia and CIS regions were opened for West. We didn't need the players, and we didn't want the players. But z8 and SMilegate rarely cares about what players want, so everyone loses.
  • totally agree that raise of cheating players since the closure of cfru. i meet alot of people with a proud RU in their name or clanname and lets say 80% of them stay in ranked snd 13kill 1death....
    they better should rename this version again to CF World.

    also i do not understand why a UK/US/CAN game publisher open the game for the eastern world. The government give sanktions to the russians cause their behavior in the useless war. and the game publisher invite them all.... 

    i say. Russia or UDSSR need their own version or nothing.
    im waiting for the day where russian players praise pu.t.i.n ingame and whatnot....
    crossfire west do not need politics....

  • pfft my post was removed

    not even a private message or notification that exaplins anything

    it was actually a very solid and objective post

    first removing threads that talking about the game issues from the main page to some dark corner no one gives a cookie about and now this...

    I think I will go play 'bubble master' and to their forums...I bet even there in a game for 4 years old  they allows posts and discussions for people who has bigger brains than monkeys(unlike this mini dictatorship-no wonder this game and forums are dead).
  • aaassw said:
    totally agree that raise of cheating players since the closure of cfru. i meet alot of people with a proud RU in their name or clanname and lets say 80% of them stay in ranked snd 13kill 1death....
    they better should rename this version again to CF World.

    also i do not understand why a UK/US/CAN game publisher open the game for the eastern world. The government give sanktions to the russians cause their behavior in the useless war. and the game publisher invite them all.... 

    i say. Russia or UDSSR need their own version or nothing.
    im waiting for the day where russian players praise pu.t.i.n ingame and whatnot....
    crossfire west do not need politics....

    1. Should players be responsible for politicians?
    2. what does useless war mean? what are the criteria for uselessness? 
     It's clear that live sex cam sites have revolutionized the adult entertainment industry.
  • there wasn't any "politics" in my post,I was talking in general.have you even read it?

    I simply said that russians has the best doctors and athletes and prettiest girls and has a great potential to become even greater than usa and thaصt they destroy everything for themselves with their own hands.

    and again 2 days from my 2nd comment and still no any answer from administration why my first 1 was removed

    but even if there was then what's the problem with politics?what do we even have a brains and opinions for then?'s not like there are not posts on fb bbc page with 200 million followers and youtube videos every 15 minuets about everythnig that happens and 10k comments on each post/video and that people are not having awareness and knowledge to this kind of things and "never seen or heard" about that.

    but here the gm's are acting like internet nannies and enlightened banning people for write "medo" in chat and cares about some random ahmed's feelings about slightly rude comments in a threads that has 1 view a month and no one has even seen it... jize,I really tired of this american h.omos.exualism(
  • About russians,I agree it a bit funny to see all those LT and Majors ranks with 4 ribbons and  only 30 days awm cfs on their accouts taking 87% of the top 100 spots.but no they aren't hack,this version and all ahameds on it are ez for them.the players on this version are just bad.

    I also agree with the one above me last paragraph

    This is a sad excuse of a joke a game.

    Imagine situation:

    **random dude camping with evo and after every time he kills you he also tease on you and writes to you "hhhhhhh ya bot 555" **
    player:"bot medo camp more"
    **player being banned**
    player:"support why were the in game accout banned"
    support;"racism/hatred/harassment with ragrading of nationality/personal attacking a z8games user/encourage of suecide/provoking a nagative response etc etc etc"
    player" ???"
    support:"you already submitted a ticket regarding this issue".
    player:"all those titles that making me sound like a worse person than h.itler for call a random dude a 'bot' ?"
    support:""you already submitted a ticket regarding this issue".
    support:"racist!!! go away and don't come back until you learn to behave.we would not tolerate this torture and madness in our gentle as a cloud community!!"
    support:"you already submitted a ticket about this issue,this our final discision"
    player:"is that a joke?"
    support:"ok,we replied to you for the 5'th time and you keep asking again and again.take 30 days mute" 

    If they want everyone to be "nice to each other" and "gentle as a feather" then they should close the game to only let people from usa/canada play or simply let other people from other place to manage the game.who was the 'genius' who thought to give americans to manage  a game full of russians and muslims?,these 2  are completely different types of view,for one side "literally everything is racist" and for the other side "they can kill someone because of a cigarette or 1$ or whatever",for some  "not telling good morning to someone" is "this person is insane!!this is madness!!",and for some others they might hear someone they once knew r.apped his neighbors daughter and they say "so?"...I ain't point fingers at any of the sides,I only say that some people wouldn't even consider some other people definitions to a certain things or situations.(what some consider racist for every little bs,would sounds like a sad joke to 75% of the world).
  • It's important to remember, though, that not all players from a certain region or culture behave in the same way. While it's true that we've seen some Russian players who seem to be overly aggressive or even resort to hacking, this represent all Russian players. But while some Arab players might engage in bullying behavior, this truly is not a reflection of the entire Arab gaming community. At least some of them really good guys, but not russians

  • Manjor0044
    edited July 2023
    sg55gs I completely agree with you the Arabs and Muslims in the game should be properly disciplined or "Banned" and that z8games only creates a version for their country Morocco Iraq etc... 80% of the CF West community is Arab or Muslim that's why the game becomes so "toxic" and so offensive thousands of players including English, Portuguese, Brazilians and even spreaders left the game with immense pity, all because of Arabs like you kill an Arab and you look at the chat and he's there like "hhhhhhh"
    "Ksmk al nob 3a4 a7a " this is really annoying and I wish that one day z8games would finally put a stop to this type of players you know I came from CF Europe before it went bankrupt and it was a great community we had Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish ,english and more other regions and everyone was friends everyone was nice and kind of course some were also toxic but that's normal but 95% of the game was cool here in CF West it's a shame the arabs are ruining the whole game they can buy zp more cheap off the original z8games website which should be punishable and illegal but is not. like you pay 80 dollars for 150 k zp and they pay 30 in arab currency for 150 k zp... they use many of them use i would say 99% i have 69 players banned in my account and i would say 60% are ha.cker arab.. anyway a sadness i like some arabs but most are not cool much less reliable be careful never trust any arab they ask for all the data etc first and then they deceive you they already stole 2 accounts from me an arab called [IGN removed] and I also lost zm4 cards because I trusted them today I don't trust any more camels.
  • 1. Never share account details, not even with GM's as they never ask for your login ID ( * outside a recovery support ticket ) or account password.
    By sharing login ID + password -> you break game terms and rules + you trow away the most important account security barier.

    2. Is useless to point one nation / a group or another as being the only cheaters in a game, is just always the majority of a group that will looks like they are the only one to blame, so remove that group and next grup with majority of players will became targheted as the ones to be blamed .. and so on, cheaters are spread all other the world.

    3. When you are insulted in game ->just print screen and report the user - > he will get what will deserve, insulting back is not a solution as you will get reported ( most of the time by the same person who insult you in first place).

    For future suggestions or reports -> please use support tickets, this topic is heading on the wrong direction.

    Gamer since 1997
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