About resolution from competitive side

Hello, I've been here since 09, played for years on 1024x768 @ 60hz, classic like most players.
Few years ago bought new 24" monitor and switched to 1920x1080 @ 144hz
I'm looking to come back to competitive play, mainly cpl.
Is it worth switching back and getting used to 1024x768 because now when I try it it's too blury, my eyes feel like bleeding.
​​​​​​​Is there anyone here who plays competitive on 1920x1080 resolution? Cheers


  • The only benefit of switching resolution is if you are a sniper, or you dislike the way crosshairs look.

    If you use scope weapons, resolutions impact how much you can see while zoomed in (certain resolutions have up to 25% more visibility)

    Certain resolutions change the shape and form of different crosshairs.

    The only resolution that is "best" for rifles is 800 x 600, because the character hitboxes are 1 pixel larger (easier to hit) in the head, but this does not provide the best scope visibility.