10th Anniversary Party!


Attention Mercs!,

We're continuing to spread out the hot time hours!

This allows for those of you who are in different time zones or have different work/school schedules an opportunity to participate in the hot time!


Time Zone

Attention Mercs!

We are partying hard this month ladies and gentlemen.

Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in March! (From March 8th - 31st)
1000% EXP/GP all weekend, only on the weekend!
This bonus becomes
2000% EXP/GP between 12AM - 1AM, 6AM - 7AM, 12PM - 1PM, and 6PM - 7PM!

Earn EP just for playing! Every minute will get you 20 EP, all day long!
If you play between 12AM - 1AM, 6AM - 7AM, 12PM - 1PM,or between 6PM - 7PMyou'll get 100 EP per minute! Earn up to 25,000 EP per day!

Complete 2 hours every weekend and you will be delivered 10th Anniversary Event Crate directly into your CrossFire accounts! And not just the 1 time either. The more weekends you play, the more crates that magically appear in your account.

1 Weekend = + 3 Crates
2 Weekends = + 9 Crates
3 Weekends = + 15 Crates
4 Weekends = + 21 Crates

For a grand total of 48 Crates! We all know the answer to the universe is 42, and this is 6 more than that, so that has to be better right?

We also have some limited time EP Sales!

These special crates will be priced at 30,000 EP for 30 Crates, with a limit of 1 per user.

<span class="wtb-ew-v1" style="width: 560px; display:inline-block"><script src="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event_widget.js?h=6167865&md=03/08/2019&mt=0.00&ml=574.99&sts=0&sln=0&wt=ew-ltc"></script><i><a target="_blank" href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">Time converter</a> at worldtimebuddy.com</i><noscript><a href="https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/">Time converter</a> at worldtimebuddy.com</noscript><script>window[wtb_event_widgets.pop()].init()</script></span>
