Rename this game to: CrashFire

Just saying... any news on when there will be a new patch to help these issues? They said they addressed the issues on the last major patch, but things are worse than ever... Can't even hold a decent match in Beta because of these errors. That and hackers are running wild in pubs. Can't really yell at Saidin and the GM group but can't G4 Box spend a little extra money to have someone take a close look at the coding? This game is still Beta, but somehow patches are causing more issues than fixing known issues.

That and I would just love to see some way that G4/Z8 post more up to date statuses on fixing some probs. Even make some sort of blog out of it. That would be a pretty cool feature imho. Still... this is a great game and I know a lot of us are fighting through these issues. But just more transparency of what was going on would be great :D
