Crossfire's Competitive Utility Application - Theory - GAMEon!


Got bored. Was considering writing an auxiliary program for PC (maybe eventually an app for phones at a later date) for Crossfire's competitive scene. It would be written in C++ or Java, as those are the languages I know best.

Here are some features I was thinking of,:

Friends -
Add/Remove, Message, Invite to Play (prompts a windows notification), Group Sessions, Profiles
UK/NA/Universal Chatroom -
Ignore Specific Users, Moderation (Mods), Screenshot uploading into chat?
Teams -
Join, Leave, Create, Profiles (Team Ranking/Ladder? - Would need players willing to moderate every ranked match such as GM's do in CFCL),
When 5 members are online it displays "Online" status for your team and Scrim Finder is then available
Scrim Finder - Randomly selects your team vs another based on region (NA/UK), choose to skip team (only 2 s**** allowed per hour?), places an "In Progress"
tag until one team captain reports end of match
Comes with built-in Anticheat? - Would need help/permission from Crossfire GM's and I'm not completely sure how I would approach this.
Voice-Chat? - Again, need to do some research on how I would incorporate this, and it might be easier for teams to stick to their mumble,teamspeak,ventrilo,discord,etc servers.

My first steps would be in designing a general layout of each window/tab of this, and then begin programming all the "offline" stuff that I can. I have to do research on how to connect to a dedicated host server.

And this would pretty much be free of charge to use I think. I wouldn't want to deter anyone from not using it because of $$.

Anyways as comes with every great proposal, I'd like to survey the popularity of this idea and see how many people would use it.

Finally, is there anyone out there who would like to try and help write this? We could work together, and if it is successful I have hoop dreams of making it compatible with other games.

Leave comments!

