Predators and Prey Patch Notes



  • 'MissA wrote:
    Suzy;4392503']I think GM made me a bit deaf lol I quit in the end, makes my ear bleed

    It is truly sad day for GM community, who love this mode so much, we can deal with 1 or maybe 2 sprayers, but I think it will get a lot worse for us now "sounders" if" you thought your ears hurt then when KVS was available now its "Hell Unleashed" Even if you made Scrim rooms "Serious game play" Sprayers can join without fear of being kicked, also see a lot of trolling that will happen in Ghost Mode, Players with Ak47 following good sounder because they hate him, or Jealous from previous games of killing them them.

    Darkfiro7 wrote: »
    As a ex Gm Player I agree with votekicking loud weapon user (ex being til I get a new headset since using speakers doesn't allow me to pinpoint correctly)

    I can see, your a Serious Ghost mode Player, but don't think it is the right time to invest in a new headset :P, New headsets + no Kick+ AK47 + MG3, RIP, My headset are basic HTC, If one GR is in GR base with AK47 spraying and I run to BL base to avoid spray, Still hear Ak47 and no ghost, as soon as I die, I type /s 0 = volume on 0 LOL till next round :D

    I will say it again, Add sound item in Shop, Similar to Shadow mode Gun item, which reduces Spray, Thus Kick Vote will be widely accepted n GM community also, Item would mean no more Loud Gun kicks in Ghost mode, If not I believe Ghost mode will Die as "A Playable Mode".

    GM Community is really needed to voice their opinion on this No kick Vote without Sound item for us, you all need to go this thread below made by ModMoe, As I believe this Kick Vote will have positive Feedback and is widely accepted by the rest of the Modes, as they have no issues with Sound play, at the end of the Day if you didn't play GM why wouldnt you want no kick vote, Saves your score, Kills, Ace, Event games etc saved from no kick, Leaving us GM players left in the dark, if its kept this way without Sound spray item down for us.
  • servers still down but you can download patch now
  • It is truly sad day for GM community, who love this mode so much, we can deal with 1 or maybe 2 sprayers, but I think it will get a lot worse for us now "sounders" if" you thought your ears hurt then when KVS was available now its "Hell Unleashed" Even if you made Scrim rooms "Serious game play" Sprayers can join without fear of being kicked, also see a lot of trolling that will happen in Ghost Mode, Players with Ak47 following good sounder because they hate him, or Jealous from previous games of killing them them.

    Well idk if anyone suggested this but GM on GR side should be SILENCERS only.there is always free m4 red crystal for gamers that dont have one and want to play gm.
  • So i guess i wont be able to play Crossfire before university -_-
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Laser Dagger to disappear if the Alternative attack was interrupted by a Viper Kick

    Finally, it was about time!
  • Idk why you guys dont assume its going to take at least an hour longer than they say

    Good Patch cant wait to be followed for vip and then have them realize they cant kick me :)
  • ExtazyLazy wrote: »
    Great fixes ! Great new things ! Thanks for improving CF!!! ♥

    Well i wrote a massive text in a ticket how much we get angry mad etc necause pro players always gets kicked by noobs and the amswer from this ticket was that they will send it to smilegate and see it works finally this stupid vks got removed :D
  • I like how Z8 never followed their own time line.What it says: "Servers will be down for 5 hours for tonights patch"What it's actually saying: "We're gonna take more than 5 hours to do this patch."5 hours will turn into 6 hours, then 7 hours, then 8 hours, 9 hours and maybe even 10 hours.All these people wanna do is play the darn game.But no, it's okay. Keep taking your lovely time.Still a nice update though other than disabling the Vote Kick.
  • xD8Dx wrote: »
    Well i wrote a massive text in a ticket how much we get angry mad etc necause pro players always gets kicked by noobs and the amswer from this ticket was that they will send it to smilegate and see it works finally this stupid vks got removed :D


    So yea im for that but if hack user join in room i think options is leaving room or stay for Replay ;)
    last time in Ghost Mode i make 43:9 score and in 12/12 round boom kiked :(
  • TinyDash wrote: »
    I like how Z8 never followed their own time line.What it says: "Servers will be down for 5 hours for tonights patch"What it's actually saying: "We're gonna take more than 5 hours to do this patch."5 hours will turn into 6 hours, then 7 hours, then 8 hours, 9 hours and maybe even 10 hours.All these people wanna do is play the darn game.But no, it's okay. Keep taking your lovely time.Still a nice update though other than disabling the Vote Kick.

    They did say "approximately" 5 hours, not that it WILL be 5 hours, but maybe an "extended maintenance" update would be nice to let us all know.
  • almost 13 hours now >.< couldn't even update us?
  • no more kicks ?
    but, you didn't think about hackers ?
    didn't think about laggers/buggers ?
    what about blockers in HM / HMX ?
    what about kids whom using knives in snipers room ? etc..
    in my opinion this idea won't be good

    [VIP Perks]
    • Faster Reload Speed
    • Special Melee Attack
    • +2 Ammo for all Rifles
    • Increased Ammo in Mutation Mode
    • Increased Jump in Mutation Mode
    • 200% EXP Boost
    • 30% EXP Boost for All Players
    • 20% GP Boost for All Players

    [Hero Mode X - Parasite Expansion]
    Infect your opponents as the new Devil Terminator or defend the righteous as the new Devil Hunter
    [Supression Mode - C4 Wire Expansion]
    Your choice of Wire when setting or defusing, this C4 will determine your team's success or faulire. Which wire will you choose?

    [New Maps]
    Antarctic Base [Suppression Mode]

    White Moon - [Hero Mode X]

    [Revamped Map Visuals]
    The following Official Competitive Maps have been revamped with improved graphics!
    • Ankara
    • Black widow
    • Mexico
    • Port
    • Sub Base


    Golden Glare Crate
    • Barrett - Ultimate Gold
    • Dual D.E-Ultimate Gold

    Golden Glow Crate
    • AUG A1-A Ultimate Gold
    • Keris - Ultimate Gold

    [New Mutation Spike]
    New Mutation Spike with the Devil Terminator’s Power. Mutants with this item equipped can obtain 2 points when infecting a mercenary.
    Soul Stone Growth Points will increase if this is equipped during Mutation Mode play. Mutation character HP Recovery time will also be reduced.

    [System Changes]

    [Soul Stone System]
    New Soul Stone System for Mutation Mode

    • Earn Soul Stone Points by playing Mutation Mode
    • Unlock Items with Soul Stone points.
    • There are 3 Levels of Soul Stones, Regular, High Level and Fine Soul Stone. The Higher the soul stone, the higher the reward
    All Ready - Auto Start
    • Auto Starts a game when all users are Ready (Host is auto ready)
    Disabled Kick Vote System
    • Kick Vote will be Disabled in all Game Modes (temporary, please give us your feedback)
    [Bug Fixes]
    Fixed an issue where the SPOP Elite (Perm) would cause Character items to not save correctly
    Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to glitch under the map in the Map - Downtown
    Fixed an issue that would cause players to be unable to Jump over the Central Plaza wall on the Map Eagle Eye
    Fixed an issue that would cause players to automatically jump over the Central Plaza wall on the map Eagle Eye
    Fixed a collision issue that would cause players to temporarily get stuck on the Central Plaza wall on the Map Eagle Eye
    Fixed a collision issue on the Map Santoria
    Fixed an issue that would cause the Laser Dagger to disappear if the Alternative attack was interrupted by a Viper Kick
    Fixed an issue that would cause players to see the Viper Character's weapon Inventory UI on the Map Columbia

    Disabled Kick Vote System

    Kick Vote will be Disabled in all Game Modes (temporary, please give us your feedback)

    One of best news today !!! ;)
    Finally pro players can now enjoy collecting Kills ;)
  • where was this no vote kick bs so i coulda invaded farming rooms lol
  • 13 hours :(

    the least you could do is update us :(
  • Vote kick disabled ? , looks weird ,but I feel it's kinda fair
  • hegazy741 wrote: »
    no more kicks ?
    but, you didn't think about hackers ?
    didn't think about laggers/buggers ?
    what about blockers in HM / HMX ?
    what about kids whom using knives in snipers room ? etc..
    in my opinion this idea won't be good

    you can make room only for your mates right ? ;)
    or for some good players who respect and know rulles in Snipe mode
  • where was this no vote kick bs so i coulda invaded farming rooms lol

    farming exp is for kids without brain ;)
    just waste of time
  • My Feedback about "disabled kick vote"
    if you would disable this forever and all players play in peace , make a "in-game report system" instead of the "kick vote" .
    how does it works. I'll tell you ,
    if more than 10 players reported a player while they're playing , some one from the staff joins the game and replay auto save/uploaded after the game ends.
    if more than 5 and less than 10 players reported a player while they're playing, replay wouls be auto saved/uploaded only after the game ends.
    this would make us all happy and playing in peace
    id you cannot provide this ability, then restore the "kick vote"
    avoiding hackers/cheaters .
  • Yeah I think I'll quit this game until you readd the kick vote system.
  • MohnDDDD wrote: »
    My Feedback about "disabled kick vote"
    if you would disable this forever and all players play in peace , make a "in-game report system" instead of the "kick vote" .
    how does it works. I'll tell you ,
    if more than 10 players reported a player while they're playing , some one from the staff joins the game and replay auto save/uploaded after the game ends.
    if more than 5 and less than 10 players reported a player while they're playing, replay wouls be auto saved/uploaded only after the game ends.
    this would make us all happy and playing in peace
    id you cannot provide this ability, then restore the "kick vote"
    avoiding hackers/cheaters .

    In game report system is the way to go :)
  • MohnDDDD wrote: »
    My Feedback about "disabled kick vote"
    if you would disable this forever and all players play in peace , make a "in-game report system" instead of the "kick vote" .
    how does it works. I'll tell you ,
    if more than 10 players reported a player while they're playing , some one from the staff joins the game and replay auto save/uploaded after the game ends.
    if more than 5 and less than 10 players reported a player while they're playing, replay wouls be auto saved/uploaded only after the game ends.
    this would make us all happy and playing in peace
    id you cannot provide this ability, then restore the "kick vote"
    avoiding hackers/cheaters .

    i think so many FPS games have "in-game report system" and that will be nice....
  • Danah wrote: »
    Yeah I think I'll quit this game until you readd the kick vote system.

    Isn't that a bit extreme?
  • My Feedback about "disabled kick vote"
    if you would disable this forever and all players play in peace , make a "in-game report system" instead of the "kick vote" .
    how does it works. I'll tell you ,
    if more than 10 players reported a player while they're playing , some one from the staff joins the game and replay auto save/uploaded after the game ends.
    if more than 5 and less than 10 players reported a player while they're playing, replay wouls be auto saved/uploaded only after the game ends.
    this would make us all happy and playing in peace
    id you cannot provide this ability, then restore the "kick vote"
    avoiding hackers/cheaters .
  • Room Host should have the option of turning "KVS" on or off. Player can decide before entering if they want to join, and they always have the option to leave anyway. If "KVS" is off, then leaving should not count as a desertion. Then survey can be taken to see which people use more often "KVS" on or "KVS" off.
  • TheThrid wrote: »
    Isn't that a bit extreme?

    Please go play some ranked games, then tell me what you think. And now think of the fact that all those jerks will now join the normal games. Besides the fact that I can no longer kick all the noobs that follow me to get my weapons...
  • TinyDash wrote: »
    I like how Z8 never followed their own time line.What it says: "Servers will be down for 5 hours for tonights patch"What it's actually saying: "We're gonna take more than 5 hours to do this patch."5 hours will turn into 6 hours, then 7 hours, then 8 hours, 9 hours and maybe even 10 hours.All these people wanna do is play the darn game.But no, it's okay. Keep taking your lovely time.Still a nice update though other than disabling the Vote Kick.

    Yup. I dont think it ever happened that they finished in time. Ever.
    Its better to just be honest and say how many hours it actually is going to take instead of taking twice as long as promised and letting people wait. You kinda lose your credibility when you take twice as long basically everytime. I was planning to open some crates and play for a bit untill I had to do other things but I guess thats not happening.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Yeah I think I'll quit this game until you readd the kick vote system.

    so you like if someone kik you if you have good score ?
    and you like to be kiked all day for your skills,or if someone play on low PC but you have realistic fps?