
So, yesterday around morning, I did 5 Wave Mode games for the event. I waited a couple of hours, and checked the tracker, it showed that I only had 2 games done. It was weird, so I sent in a ticket. They replied that the tracker has to update and all that, so I sent another one saying that it had been a couple of hours and the tracker had updated twice and I wanted to know how many games I did according to their logs, and they said 2.

Later on I decided to play some more games, I invited a couple of friends (you need at least 6 to start a WM match). There was me, Moerwijk, Abel, Angel, Moe, [GM]Kanadian (only played one game, he left right when the match ended >.>) and then svanced came for one game too, there were also some random people in the match. We did 4 games, and only one of those counted. So it's been 10+ hours and it still shows that I have only completed 3 games while I completed 9 in total. So there must be something wrong with the database, because it's not only me, my friends are having the same problem, it only counted one for them too.

I refuse to play more WM, I seriously hate that mode, because it's so much noise, a lot of things going on, takes forever to play a match, etc. I don't have evidence that I played 9 games, but I am sure I did, and a GM knows I did at least 4, and a MOD knows I played at least 4. I want to have my 5 WM task complete because I wasted 3+ hours playing a mode that I really dislike and it's not even counting towards the event, it's just wasting my time, and other people's times.

Fix this issue, or remove the 5 WM games from the event.

I only got this SS of a match, lel.

