CFCL PRO / OPEN Leagues - Useful questions
Hey guys, there are some things I wanted to ask about the ongoing UK / NA Pro League, because I think that some things weren't explain properly.
- 50.000 $ prize pool was announced, however, only 5540 $ is being given away in S1 ( NA + UK ) , so are we having more seasons ? The prize pool will increase , or will it remain the same ?
- The number of weeks played out were 3, so basicly 3 cups were played. Will it remain the same ? Or next season every week of the month will be played ?
- On the official ruleset of the UK / NA Pro League, 6.2 , it says :
"6.2 Subject to Warning:
(Offline matches) verbal or computer voice chatting among players when the player has been knocked out (dead in the game).
(Offline matches) Any action taken with keyboard and/or mouse after the player has been knocked out will be subject to a warning from the referee."
this means that one of the seasons for example , can have lan finals for example ?
- On the end of each season , there is a ranking that decides the rank of every team. Does this rank matters to anything, besides the fact that it decides which teams are going to downgrade to the open league ?
- The cup is seeded or not ?
Thank you
- 50.000 $ prize pool was announced, however, only 5540 $ is being given away in S1 ( NA + UK ) , so are we having more seasons ? The prize pool will increase , or will it remain the same ?
- The number of weeks played out were 3, so basicly 3 cups were played. Will it remain the same ? Or next season every week of the month will be played ?
- On the official ruleset of the UK / NA Pro League, 6.2 , it says :
"6.2 Subject to Warning:
(Offline matches) verbal or computer voice chatting among players when the player has been knocked out (dead in the game).
(Offline matches) Any action taken with keyboard and/or mouse after the player has been knocked out will be subject to a warning from the referee."
this means that one of the seasons for example , can have lan finals for example ?
- On the end of each season , there is a ranking that decides the rank of every team. Does this rank matters to anything, besides the fact that it decides which teams are going to downgrade to the open league ?
- The cup is seeded or not ?
Thank you
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