Bring back for us the old Ranks with M4A1+DE- Golden



  • IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    You know that there are a few of you who have it vs thousands of players. So how is that fair that the others don't get to try out the rare guns because the players who have it want to feel "special" in the game?

    You said I'm thinking about me and not the others, but.... I'm not the only one who wants them back? you are just saying random stuff hoping they don't release the guns, that's pretty funny.
    IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    What makes you think I played all those 4 years? Before you start assuming I advise you to check your fax first.

    Shoot you act like no one who has the gold coupon weapons has never taken a break, plus that's still your own fault. This isn't a communist game, you lost out, sucks to suck.

    OT: the old coupon weapons had their time, its time for new ones.
