Whats next for RTZ?

Hey guys, I know I have kept a lot of you in the dark with what's going, but I wanted to give you all some information on what will be happening moving forward.

After a lot of conversations with the GM staff over the past few months we came to the agreement that putting our best resources together would be the best way for the community to move forward. So with that being said RTZ as it stands now will be coming to an end and all of my time and resources from RTZ will be going toward NA Esports, which I will be working on with Smilegate. I believe that this is the best possible direction for both myself and the community, as we can put all of our best resources towards making this upcoming league massive, and the best NA / UK CF events ever. I look forward to being able to bring my administration, casting, and player experience to the table and make the highest quality of events that we can produce.

So for now, everyone who participated in RTZ, I want to thank you for your time and encourage you to look ahead to NA Esports launch season as something for you all to be a part of. We should have more details for everyone soon on how this first season of events will unfold, and trust me it will be well worth the wait.

I want to also thank everyone who is still working hard to keep this community alive, and I am confident with this first season we can give a much needed push to CF NA / UK as we look to move Crossfire to the forefront of Esports.

Make sure you guys all get signed up soon, and keep an eye out for our official announcement and if you have any other questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them all in replies or privately.

Thanks, [MOD]Zzxq
