Been Researching For Alternative Anti Cheat Programs

Not everyone, but a good chunk of our competitive scene has been itching for a new anticheat for EGL other than ACP.

Here are some alternatives we can try voting on and I can try setting them up on my own computer:

sXe Injected:

punkbuster (although I'd have to see the cost of getting it licensed for crossfire) :

EasyAntiCheat (same goes here - need to figure out licensing costs) :

BattleEye (Figure out cost) :

and I keep keep trying to find others but sadly, tonight, I must go to sleep now.

Thanks for your input!

EDIT: Here are virustotal results for sXe Injected:

*The scan says 1/56 detected a problem. I quickly looked up HW32.Packed.AFCB by BKav and it looks like a "false positive" ... Could be an update issue with BKav. But anyways it seems to be a legit anti cheat protection...going to try and run it to see what it's all about. Wish me luck!

EDIT 2: Anddd big fail because it seems as if this anti cheat will really only work for cs 1.6 and other half life mods...Sorry guys I'll keep looking!

