Blocked for 0 Days and 0 Hours


  • Do you recall any previous errors just prior to getting this?
    Perhaps you did not properly log out due to a crash or something.

    I personally would wait about 5 min after seeing that message before thing again.

    Next time, if you get that error, to please document everything that occurred at that moment to better help understand what may have gone wrong.
  • I've had the same message several times today .. funny thing is, every time I am in a room full of hackers, I get disconnected from the server and then blocked for a number of minutes .. in one TD, the ENTIRE OPPOSING TEAM were nothing but speeders and idiots shooting through walls. Quite frankly, I'm disgusted. You can't kick them, well .. you can try, but you know there are a bunch more in the game and they kick you for kicking a fellow hacker. Really??

    You can't even play a decent game without a crap load of them coming in to the room and ruining it .. hate to say it but x-trap isn't doing a good enough job, folks.
