INTERP Recruiting!

Rank: 2442

If you're looking for an extremely active clan, for now, look elsewhere. KRUNK, Bubzy, and I have started this clan with the intent to clanwar while we're on. We all have work and our schedules are erratic, but we get on later at night. We play other games as well.

Enough about us, on to you. We're looking for people to join our ranks and fight tough battles in clan wars. However, we aren't just looking for anyone. Feel free to apply if you'd like to clan war with us, but be warned; if you can't contribute, you'll be out quick. We use TEAMSPEAK and don't have any immediate plans on changing since everything else sounds awful. Mics are a must. Our clan will consist of ONLY NA players since this is the North American version of the game.

Although we are focused on clanwars, scrims in E8 aren't out of the question. We'd be glad to help any newer competitive players learn the ropes.

Please refer to our clan page, HERE, before applying, HERE.
