Black Market

I have been playing CrossFire for awhile now. Ive always wanted to try my luck on the black market (zp). But as a realist, i like to observe the luck of others before i spend my own hard earned cash on weapons i would like. Over-all it seems as if there is a lot of negative feedback about the system. People often say z8 are thieves, that rob you of your money. And that the black market, people who put the most money in, usually do not recieve what they came for. This has been very discouraging to me, because i would love to just own even ONE zp permanent gun. I believe everyone deserves a chance to win,and i would like clarity if it is actually worth it to pour your money into a seemingly corrupt wheel of chance? I do understand it is completely mathamatical, with algorithms, etc. Not luck. But does any one have any idea if it is worth the time, and money??


  • Don't risk money you don't want to lose.
    Don't plan on winning anything, because the people who get mad are those expecting to win.

    Do you feel lucky?

    As far as z8 being "thieves",
    The people who had their money "stolen" probably made it very easy to do so.
    I.E. risking it on crates. Nowhere does it say, put X amount of dollars here, win ---insert gun of choice----
  • beware

    up to u if u take the chance when u do win its awesome and I have won gp black-market weapons but out of all the zp crates I've bought (over 350 crates) I have never won a thing other people on the other hand win zp black-market weapons within 50 crates but for the most people its unlikely you will get any thing .u need to buy at least 50-100 to be in with a realistic chance .z8 games are greedy so don't waste all your money on crates. p.s. they are very addictive
  • B3atD0wn wrote: »
    I have been playing CrossFire for awhile now. Ive always wanted to try my luck on the black market (zp). But as a realist, i like to observe the luck of others before i spend my own hard earned cash on weapons i would like. Over-all it seems as if there is a lot of negative feedback about the system. People often say z8 are thieves, that rob you of your money. And that the black market, people who put the most money in, usually do not recieve what they came for. This has been very discouraging to me, because i would love to just own even ONE zp permanent gun. I believe everyone deserves a chance to win,and i would like clarity if it is actually worth it to pour your money into a seemingly corrupt wheel of chance? I do understand it is completely mathamatical, with algorithms, etc. Not luck. But does any one have any idea if it is worth the time, and money??

    its like playing slot machines at convince stores.
  • I would really say its worth it... that feeling when you see the gun of your dreams... appear, and when you see the ''congratulations'' its one of the best feelings you can get from crossfire (:
  • Think about it this way: You are getting 3 items regardless of how much money you spend and where you spin on each and every crate. The value of said items might or might not be worth the value of real cash that you used to buy the crates with. So you're guaranteed something, just not exactly what you might want.
  • if you want to spend money on this game go ahead. It is your money and it does depend on luck. Z8games are not trying to steal someone's money... If you put ZP into this game it is because you decided to do so. Now you can get permanent weapons ( VIP ) and you at least know you will get them. You can even spend more money trying to get a gun from BM in comparasion with the price of the actual VIP guns. Last but not least, it is a quite good feelling when you get your BM dream gun.