l3anksy / ClutchZombie Quitting CF

This game has been like a home to me. I have a kid and a gf but for 4 years I spent my hard earned money on this game and for what? Nothing.

I know I havent been part of the conpetitve scene for a while.
i know a lot of you players don't know me, I'm not xfam0usx or Duck, or 15.
What I do know is that I put my time into this game... and I can't keep pretending like this game
will stay strong..

Basically, to my friends and my clan who know me...
I'm done. Thats it. I don't have the time to waste money or time in a game that says what its doing to help us paying players, and yet have no results.

To anyone who sees this, good luck. I'm a 4 year vet 2 accounts a ton of money wasted player. And I hope you wait out the hack waves. And continue to make it to the top.. Prove me wrong and exceed in this game.I can't do it anymore I'm done.

Good Luck, and goodbye. - ClutchZombie/l3anksy

God bless you all, I loved this game from the start.
It isn't up to par with the rest and I'm out.
