Need Advice From The "Pros"

Will be hopefully entering the competitive field with my team more full time now that school is almost over to play with the big boys on the play ground. I know we'll get bent hard at first, but I figure that jumping into the fire is a great way to learn. (How I lost my arm).

Anyhows with that in mind I am considering to get a new mouse and I was hoping that you guys would have some suggestions. My current mouse is a Logitech (can been seen here at 0:34 in video) with 2 buttons on it's left side. With one hand I heavily rely on the buttons on the mouse, therefore I would ask that you choose accordingly (perhaps 3+). I think I have an awesome setup (worked for 2 years), but my down fall is bh (can't turn and it's not consistent), dj (only low boxes), and crouching (can't move well if crouched), which could be the difference between a win and a loss at the high levels of play.

Posting links of mice, pics, or even just providing names and what you like about it/why it would be good for me would be greatly appreciated. Depending on things go I may create a full time team, but that's a big maybe (still like the pubstar, plus I need get warmed up to comp before completely entering it).

Thanks for your time and I look forward to playing with ya'll.

Edit: no budget for now, just post =)
