BeyondControlMedia is looking for ...

Hello there ...
we are beyoncontrolmedia, we are a casting and streaming team dedicated to use our streams to improve communities and help teams that arent so well known, get known. we've been around for 6 months and are loving what we do here, we currently are not sponsored but we've had several organisations show interest in us and we are growing everyday. Since we started in CrossFire EU, we've wanted to expand to other games and other communitys as streaming and casting is what we love and most of us here have been playing games competitively for years so we've been in the gaming seen from a player point of view now we want to help the communities we've participated in and the ones we havent so everyone can enjoy the entertainment we hope to provide.
We are currently looking for 2 casters (1 maincaster and co-caster) as well as 2 streamers for CrossFire NA
our goals are simple;
1) Provide a quality stream and entertainment for those who wish to view competitive matches and enjoy them in the process.
2) To help build community whether it would be from a amateur competitive level or a high teir competitive level
3) eventually we hope bring around a league of our own and possible LANS but they will be in the far future, we just want to take this project step by step.

If you are interested on beeing a part of this team.
Or if you just have a questions - here are my contact dates :

Skype : larren-lrn
Xfire : larren5

Also here are some links from us :
