Looking for a Tactical Clan


My IGN is 4nihil4t3r(Anihilater). I am looking to join a clan. I am brand new to this game however I have experience in a few other FPS games including Ghost Recon (the origional not GRAW), Battlefield 2, and Call of Duty 4. I am NOT an elite player or a pro by any means. But I can hold my own. I enjoy S&D ZM and even GM if I can learn how to avoid the enemy as a Ghost. I will also play other Game modes because I just love playing with friends. My favorite thing in playing FPS games is tactics I like to employ military tactics to accomplish goals now I know that will be very difficult in this typ;e of game but tactics can still play a pivital role in the game. Like I said my KD ratio is not good and I am not going to kill 20 people without dying but I am wiklling to learn and I will play to the best of my ability and use strategy to try to win. If this sounds like the type of player you are looking for contact me here or in game. I only have to requirements of a clan

1 - Voice Chat aka Vent or TS3
2 - Friendly, Helpful, MATURE
