ZM hijacking

Hey guys, I have a very open-ended suggestion that needs some fine-tuning, I'm looking for your input. This has probably been brought up before, but I'm reopening the subject.

So, this has happened to me on a few occasions and I'm sure many of you have had a similar experience or two. You're playing a ZM match, and it is getting close to the last wave, but it's still low enough that new people can still join. 2 of the 4 people who originally started with you were inexperienced and died, leaving 2 open spaces. 2 people join, Jack and John. Jack has 2 more friends who want to play in the same game as him, but he doesn't want to start a new game from wave 1. So, Jack and John kick both the other players who were there since the beginning so they all can play. They can do this because a player in ZM can get kicked with just 2 agree votes. Same thing could happen if you're the last guy alive and 3 others join wanting a fourth space open.

This situation is what I would like to refer to as "Hijacking". There are several reasons why this is aggravating:
1: If the ZM happens to be the daily mission, you lose all of the points or waves that you had acquired.
2: You get stopped in your tracks if you were on your way to getting a good crate, and if you had a good chance at defeating the boss, you lose that too.
3: You lose the miniscule GP and EXP you earned, which isn't really a big deal but it's still a factor nonetheless.
4: It's just plain annoying, simple as that.

There are many ways that this could be fixed, such the elimination of kicking in ZM after a certain wave, or at least compensation for the DM requirements. I know you get the crate you earned, but I feel that just doesn't cut it as a compensation.

I understand you can "Unable to Join" the match, but there really isn't a point to it because if the people you play with are terrible, you're going to want other people to join in hopes of getting an experienced team member.

Looking for other suggestions and stuff, pour your heart out to me XD

