Bare with me now... Ping Caps.

I've recently gotten back into playing Crossfire US after my annual yearly breaks and i've noticied the hacker rates per games have dropped (Extremley Happy) however it seems that I could never do damage to one of the laggers with 230+ ping. We have all exerpeicned this, you pump an entire belt/mag (100) of an m60 into a 300 ping lagger (br) and suddenly, You're Dead! when you check how much damage you did you see, nothing!

Now bare with me now, what if.. and if Crossfire's staff initiated a way to impliment a ping cap system e,g
Alpha Server ping 0 - 150
Bravo Server ping 150 - 200
Charlie Server ping/Delta/Uk server etc (Local) ping 200+


Clearly I haven't been back in several months so forgive me if any updates prohibit this idea however provide some feedback so the mods can take notice.
