competitive player looking for clan :)

First let me introduce myself, my in game name is brackets i prefer to be called by my real name which is Riley. I'm 16 years old, and I live outside of the Dallas area in Texas, United States. I average about 50-70 ping, but recently I've been hovering around the 100 area do to heavy rains in my area for about a week :p

My kdr is 1.20, which I horrible I know, I'm thinking of getting a reset but I really don't care. I'm a lot better than a 1.2 player, I average a 2-3kdr per S&D game. I am looking for a clan that-
-active and social
-laid back but serious during game time
-ENGLISH SPEAKING >:/ (I speak quite a bit of spanish but I don't like having to think for a second how and what I'm going to say to make it correct grammatically.)

I have a microphone, and I'm multigaming, I have teamspeak, and ventrilo but if you need something i can download it.

If there are any other questions you can leave them here. I have no problem trying out.


player profile -

follow me on instagram :) -

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