[I]gnit3 clan now recruiting**********


Rank [5k]

Members: 38

Clan Summary
gnit3 is a new clan. We are a semi-serious clan. You need to know the difference of when to get silly, and when to be serious. As long as we follow rules, we will have fun . We also have Raidcall if anyone is interested.

Clan Rules
1. No Hacking/Cheating

2. Respect the leader, lieutenents, and members of the clan, and respect all other Crossfire players.

3. Have a positive attitude

4. Have fun

If you plan to apply for gnit3, please make sure you leave this information in the application:

♣ Age
♣ Where you're from (country)
♣ Kill/Death Ratio (if you don't know, that's ok)
♣ If you own a microphone (please check the news post "Raidcall" for more information)

http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=252676 <---- link to clan page