CF Ideas

Hello everyone!
I have some ideas for CrossFire.
1.) A wepon trading system - Users can exchange any wepon they choose ( Including crate won guns/ coupons/bp ) with eachother. There will be an option when you right click your friends list saying "Trade With Player" this'll send the other player an invite. If they accept it'll go into the trading system where the 2 users drag wepons/items into a trading area. There is a chat box in the trading system so they can ask eachother if they can have a certain gun. If declined, The trading system won't open.

2.) An idea for a GP crate pack - A Pack that has tactical wepons in it.

3.) Some BP weps - for example a Tactical UMP45 with a supressor, tac light that is toggle-able, grip, and red dot ( Not scope )

4.) Some more GP gun ideas - A pack with battlefeild3 style wepons.


Okay, scratch that idea of the bf3 weps, The trading system would be cool, but if it "wont work" then screw that too

One more idea I have is that you should be able to bring an ak-Knife (Any Version) into a knife battle, But without any ammo in it.

If you have anymore Ideas, Post in the comments :)
