Poison/tear gas.

It replaces the smoke grenade and the poison does 1 damage per second while disabling their view. Hurts team mates as well has you. It has a range and a longer duration compared to regular smoke.
15k GP

You can also buy a BP version of the poison grenade which has the same stats except 2 damage instead pf 1 which costs 2k BP.

Tear gas replaces the smoke grenade slot. Slows you down and messes up your view. (like a flash grenade but you still have view of your surroundings but makes a color distortion)
10k GP


  • Does it basically do everything a smoke nade does AND do damage? Is the smoke just as thick and hard to see through? I mean regardless of actually walking through it how does it affect you? Seems like in order to balance it out the smoke should be somewhat clearer and have a smaller radius or something. It does do damage after all.
  • I suggested a toxic grenade sometime ago, don't remember what happened to the thread.

    Anyway, I like the idea because you can block ways. People will walk into the smoke and then get scared because they lose hp and they will turn back.
  • NO.would be unfair for BL in a S&D.
    map eagle eyes playing as GR with 2 friends. one throw a gas nade at long A one throw a gas nade at the midd doors and one throw a gas nade at the hotel.
    then BL have to wait till its gone means they lose alot of time or they go through lose HP and then die besauce of the HP you lost of that gas nade.
    also in TD there would be alot of gas so spam gas nades.
    in GM then they throw a gas nade on A and B site and when its gone they throw a new one. that means they cant plant without losing HP.
  • I would prefer it if people that use this forum for their suggestions would use the "Search this Forum" option first. The Poison Grenade or Toxic Grenade has been suggested several times over, and many players have already explained why this type of grenade would cause for many problems.

    Even the Teargas Grenade has been suggested before by yours truly, as you can see here...


    ...and did not need to be suggested again.

    For this reason I am locking this thread.
This discussion has been closed.