Joon LFT
robo_bubble wrote: »Thinks hes good .
Bottom Frags
Diick ride's a lot
Skinny weak Ugly.
Can't Snipe for sht
Not rlly good rifler.
Have fun
Other then, GL
you mad brah
Wait, i thought we were talking about you? Changed? How could someone as stupid as you realize how fcken stupid you are. There was no way in hell that you could ever mature or ever become not annoying. Plus you are probably the worst person to ever touch this game (besides gurp and willofgod) and you are the worst hypocrite i've ever seen. The funny thing is you:
1)bottom frag
2)Would like to dck ride but noone even wants to listen to you, much less talk to you
3)you say you are a sniper but i've seen pure riflers better than you
I would go on, but you get the point.Would be interesting to see how many offers the bench warmer gets
Considering you are the laughing stock of this community, you'd be lucky to even bench warm for a decent team. -
Wait, i thought we were talking about you? Changed? How come someone as stupid as you realize how fcken stupid you are. There was no way in hell that you could ever mature or ever become not annoying. Plus you are probably the worst person to ever touch this game (besides gurp and willofgod) and you are the worst hypocrite i've ever seen. The funny thing is you:
1)bottom frag
2)Would like to dck ride but noone even wants to listen to you, much less talk to you
3)you say you are a sniper but i've seen pure riflers better than you
I would go on, but you get the point.
Considering you are the laughing stock of this community, you'd be lucky to even bench warm for a decent team.
I Don't try alot if i do, i will be aimb0ting & walling.
Then that = Top Frag.
Now ik i am mature when i want to be..
you fat -
robo_bubble wrote: »I Don't try alot if i do, i will be aimb0ting & walling.
Then that = Top Frag.
Now ik i am mature when i want to be..
you fat
That was the worst comeback i've ever seen. My 6 year old cousin could have done better. I'm not mad, i'm frustrated that anyone could be as dumb as you are. Anyone that has seen apicture of me knows im not fat. Good try. -
robo_bubble wrote: »stop acting intelligent.
Your a fcking weak cun.t
you mad brah
Acting intelligent is typing correctly? Since when? Weak cun.t, I care why you say this on a free games forum? And I'm not mad, if you say that 24/7, I adapt to the fact that you cannot, say anything other, then that. -
That was the worst comeback i've ever seen. My 6 year old cousin could have done better. I'm not mad, i'm frustrated that anyone could be as dumb as you are. Anyone that has seen apicture of me knows im not fat. Good try.
I Didn't say a come back now did i .
I Told you , I Don't try and if i do I Cheat.
I Also said that you are fact.
Not a come back, I Say What i see.
Between if your not fat, you might just be looking like Jake or Devize or tinked or MisterOwl , Honestly. Well i think i made my points..
Are you confused
you mad brah -
robo_bubble wrote: »I Didn't say a come back now did i .
I Told you , I Don't try and if i do I Cheat.
I Also said that you are fact.
Not a come back, I Say What i see.
Between if your not fat, you might just be looking like Jake or Devize or tinked or MisterOwl , Honestly. Well i think i made my points..
Are you confused
you mad brah
Only thing I'm confused by is your poor grammar. -
JOONisKorean wrote: »Acting intelligent is typing correctly? Since when? Weak cun.t, I care why you say this on a free games forum? And I'm not mad, if you say that 24/7, I adapt to the fact that you cannot, say anything other, then that.
idk what else to say that's true, But if you want me to lie , i shall say , You are ripped, You are so ripped ! you make Arnold Schwarzenegger Look unaesthetic . -
robo_bubble wrote: »I Didn't say a come back now did i .
I Told you , I Don't try and if i do I Cheat.
I Also said that you are fact.
Not a come back, I Say What i see.
Between if your not fat, you might just be looking like Jake or Devize or tinked or MisterOwl , Honestly. Well i think i made my points..
Are you confused
you mad brah
First of all, it's spelled fat not fact you moron. 2nd of all you've never seen me, you moron. Why don't you show us a pic since you seem to like to insult others on their looks. How much of a pu.ssy are you? -
First of all, it's spelled fat not fact you moron. 2nd of all you've never seen me, you moron. Why don't you show us a pic since you seem to like to insult others on their looks. How much of a pu.ssy are you?
You're ****ing ugly, shut up. -
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