noobish in servers
ok guys idk wth happ in the some servers -.- i played in sub base a match in rookie server (testing guns
has i ever do) in Black list my team start we kill the host with a headshot this dude whisper me to kick the "hackr" when isn`t a hackr in Black List (all in 1 round -.-) later i say "no" i kill him spraying his chest crouching and he whisper another dude (my friend) to kick me my friend say no host get angry we play more and more another hack accusations in Black list like " HACKAAAAAAAAAAA" "KICK THE HACKAAAAAAA" "KICK HIM HE IS WALLER"
(they think in sub base vent they are invinsible -.-) then a dude come killed all by headshots with the m16 and got like 35/0 inthe first rounds and no GR ignore and say he is just pro and that we suck (yeeeeeeeeah suuuuuure our characters sux and yeah he headshoot us cause our characters have big heads? sure -.- ) and when we finish THE HOST KICK WHOLE BL TEAM WTF and say hackr cause we killed him o yeah at first round 3/1 what a hackr score idk if its noobish or whatever i cannot play without a noob in rookie server .
this is just an story in rookie server i know its rookie but it could be noobish server you kill them they say you hack you kill them when they camp and they say you hackr -.-

(they think in sub base vent they are invinsible -.-) then a dude come killed all by headshots with the m16 and got like 35/0 inthe first rounds and no GR ignore and say he is just pro and that we suck (yeeeeeeeeah suuuuuure our characters sux and yeah he headshoot us cause our characters have big heads? sure -.- ) and when we finish THE HOST KICK WHOLE BL TEAM WTF and say hackr cause we killed him o yeah at first round 3/1 what a hackr score idk if its noobish or whatever i cannot play without a noob in rookie server .
this is just an story in rookie server i know its rookie but it could be noobish server you kill them they say you hack you kill them when they camp and they say you hackr -.-
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